Girls and Boys

Girls like pink and boys like blue – that is the general consensus. The classic, blue and pink colour schemes can also be found in the most wallpaper collections, but neutral colours and motifs are a great decoration for the children´s room.

A typical wallpaper for girls has the distinction of featuring cute motifs and soft colours. Princesses, animals, flowers and other nature motifs are a common design feature. On the wallpapers for boys, on the other hand, it is the other way around: Technical motifs like cars, construction vehicles or tractors meet cool dinosaurs and colours like blue or green.

In this day and age everbody can be and like all the things they want. More and more girls get into football and a lot of boys like equestrian sports. The typical gender roles begin to fade and this is also observable in the bedrooms of children.

There are a lot of neutral wallpapers to paper the walls of your girl´s or boy´s room. Geometric patterns, dots and stripes, writings and flashy colours upgrade any room optically. Colourful paper or non-woven wallpapers with different animals or forest motifs, drawn patterns or even a whole universe are liked by girls and boys alike.

Wallpapers for girls and boys

The roles of boys and girls in this world do not need to be distinct. Who says, that only pink and red are worth considering for the room of girls? Neutral colours like orange and green in combination with exciting motifs are also a great choice for decorating your girl´s room.


The adventures of the jungle are calling

Wheter for boys or for girls – an exciting bedroom having walls dotted with animals of the jungle and adventure motifs will invite your child to go on eventful adventures. Erlebnistouren ein.

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Princess Lilifee takes over the girl´s room

Discover a huge variety of wallpapers for girls and lovers of princesses in our children´s wallpaper shop.

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